This will be my album cover if I were a musician right now.

Hello COVID my old friend, I hoped we'd never meet again

Here we go again with the bullshit.
This time, my sense of smell is 90% gone. 😩

Paxlovid enroute and no real symptoms other than post-nasal drip from hell and sore back though, so hopefully this'll be over in a few days. 🤞🏾

Me looking hella disheveled after getting a giant qtip up my snout. All I wanted was more powerful meds to dam up the waterfall in my sinuses.

👩🏾‍⚕️:“We gotta check you for flu and Covid”
🐺: “Y’all didn’t do that so the my wife when she was here a few days ago”
👩🏾‍⚕️: takes out big ass q-tip from quantum space “look up right quick…”
an entire eternity of poking all my childhood memories into mash later

👩🏾‍⚕️: “give it 15 minutes and we’ll know…”
🐺: achooooo!!! “I can’t stop sneezi—" aaaaachoooo!!!

Your humble author after a very uncomfortable battery of tests at the doctor's office.

Time to get the last of the 年賀状wannabe cards shipped off to Japan! 🏣

(Some of y’all may know you are based on 郵便番号)


Hope everyone had a frighteningly good Halloween yesterday!
