Overnight crash

Dropping a note here to make sure my site is back up – Things got crash happy overnight with the database eating all the RAM for some reason. Bad garbage collection or a missed chronjob maybe. The joys of wordpress adminning. So as soon as I’m done with the day job (where I actually do DevOps/PMing believe it or not) I’ll be doing a post-mortem on this thing too.

😣 I just want my $#:+ to work seamlessly!

If this is the case—

Then how is that wacky NY Times poll from last week correct?!

Federating the fediverse: BlueSky alpha version


There’s a way for you to crosspost to BlueSky from your own #indieweb enabled website thanks to Joel’s (@joel@otter.garden) additions to Bridgy (created by Ryan (@snarfed.org@snarfed.org).

Also, I’m actually doing it right now and have been for about a week or so. So you’ll notice likes/reposts and comments coming from over there on my site and can interact from there, as I craft my one-man SNS outpost on the innanetz.

Joel Auterson @joelotter.com Just recently finished adding Bluesky backfeeding support to @snarfed.org's Bridgy :)
Details on how to do it here: Bridgy Bluesky setup

Happy Belated Subway Day

Yesterday was NYCMTA’s Subway Day– On October 27, 1904 the New York City Subway started running it’s then total length between City Hall downtown and 145th Street uptown past Harlem (which was literally countryside back in those days)

Here’s a video they posted on their Threads/Instagram account showing all the different trains they’ve run throughout their 119 years. My personal fav, the R33 Redbird is shown with the ⑦ train mark, just as I used to ride it 35 years ago when I was a kid heading to Corona and Shea Stadium with my dad.

Post by @mta
View on Threads

I really hope Chris doesn’t mind me borrowing literally 90% of his layout, formatting and general overall aesthetic from Boffo Socko when I’m ready to smooth out the edges of my site here.
They way it looks and how information is presented is just what you’d expect of a person who is rather efficient at capturing and categorizing information.


job done

Well that does it for me tonight. I got a lot done on this here ol' site.

I’ll continue to kick the tires and fill in the gaps but so far so good.

  • Indieweb stuff seems to be working as seen at micro.blog and tested with some good friends. Will run thru the tests tomorrow to make sure.
  • ActivityPub stuff is 70% there; @starrwulfe@starrwulfe.xyz is using plugin and @starrwulfe.xyz@starrwulfe.xyz is using Bridgy Fed. They're both the same feed and I pray I didn't just tear a hole in the fabric of space/time trying this.
  • This may not be the final theme, but it's a good skeleton to use while I'm in the alpha/beta stage here; ultimately, I want to mimic my terminal window as that's what I use everyday while working. It'll be minimal but awesome.
--Good night from ATL|GA|USA 😴

Good question. Need to turn on NHK and see what’s up…

Testing again.

Hope the activitypub folks cans see this now….

Reblog via Jason L Gatewood

If I had this guys’s job, I’d need several smoke breaks too.