Yimbys for Harris $100k

Reblog via StarrWulfe (JLGatewood)


Support better neighborhoods/affordable housing/sustainable development!!


an image of a cartoon wolf looking at his smartphone laughing out loud in a sketch style. The wolf is middle aged with a "dad bod". He's sitting on a comfortable chair in a home office with a cup of coffee and wearing glasses

In honor of Father’s Day, I’m going to engage in one of my favorite past-times: $#!+posting dad jokes. 😏

If you’re a dad (or you have a dad– I guess that’d be everyone here except my immaculate conception, clones, androids and the asexual reproduction homies) please add to the ensuing and possibly annoying thread. Consider yourself warned for irony, cringe and general rando post fun & mayhem.

–Also go wish your dad a Happy Father’s Day before you forget 😜

Let’s get it started:

  • I was going to get a brain transplant, but I changed my mind
  • Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? ...He's all right now...
  • I've been trying to come up with a dad joke about momentum . . . but I just can't seem to get it going.

Since I would love to have Telegram be a first party “citizen” of the Fediverse, the network of open social media network apps and sites that are connected with ActivityPub, I formally opened a suggestion for it to be added somehow if possible via the Telegram user suggestion portal.
I think it would be great if every Telegram user was able to tie into the #fediverse via making @username@t.me handles and using group chats/channels equate different conversation activities vis-a-vis Lemmy, Flipboard and Discourse.


Last Week Today! S2024E9

Was a busy (two) week(s) since the last one, so let’s catch up with happenings:

🎂 March 20th and 31st marks “Birthday Week” with the fam, as it’s BoyType and MonkeyGirl’s turns to celebrate getting one year older. And me and SuperWife’s time to be broke AF. BoyType wanted a miniPC for his birthday to tinker on so he combined all his loot and bought one on his own after making sure it could FortNight OK; he wanted to be able to play with his schoolmates. (Don’t tell him I was going to make sure he could play on my Xbox when he told me the first time, but this is a better way since I want him to learn to troubleshoot technology.) MonkeyGirl wanted cashola plain and simple. The big issue this time was me trying to pay lots of bills and have some cash left for our trip and then some foolishness happened that delayed me hooking her up with her gift for a few days, annoying the newly minted 11-year-old. I said, “get used to having deferred dreams for the sake of necessities, especially in this family,” which is a lesson she needs to understand as she learns how to manage money. In my own childhood, my parents were constantly using my allowance stash like a petty cash pot to cover bills and things that would come outta nowhere, so I got used to waiting well past my allowance days to “make a withdrawal;” at least until I was able to get a bank account. She’s got her own account we monitor, and a lot more scratch in it than I did when I was 11– I’m making sure it doesn’t burn a hole in her pocket now.

🎌 One of my BFFs came back home for a visit with his wife and kiddo. He’s from Atlanta, spent lots of time in Japan and both moved back at the same time in 2008. He’s still there in fact, settling down for the long haul and I had done the same until we came back in 2021 (but I’ll tell that story another day.) They wanted to know what it’s like to stay in a RV so we set BigHank up for a driveway camp for them. Other than the water pump being broken because stupid me didn’t winterize it well enough, it made a good guest house for them. So glad to see him again and catch up with everyone. Of the things I miss the most about JapanLife, kicking it with my friends is the biggest.

🤦🏾‍♂️ After our guests left, we had one day to prep for our spring break trip to Jacksonville. Thanks to the aforementioned water pump issue, we wanted to get it fixed before getting on the road, and in our haste SuperWife and I didn’t properly lock the cargo “basement” hatch. To make a long story short, our spare tire slid out of there along with a few items all just 300m up the road but by the time we noticed, of course it was gone. Who could pass up a perfectly good commercial grade tire & rim just lying on the corner of the road like that? I’ll be buying a replacement before we head on our next journey in May; until then, are there any Pick-A-Part specials for these things?

🏖 We made it to Jacksonville Beach without any troubles actually. I’ll be posting a more detailed trip report in the next few days, but here are some snaps for your consideration: [gallery type=“rectangular” link=“none” ids=“543910,548926,543868,541099,542056” orderby=“rand”]

And that’s all I got, see ya next week! 👋🏾

Of course we picked the only day it’s raining down here to be camping at the JAX beaches. Well we’re gonna still make the most of the time off!

But our campsite is a flooded mess at the moment so I guess it’s a movie day inside the camper for now.

Flooded out campsite as seen from side door of RV
Wether channel app screenshot showing 73°F with thunderstorms ⛈️ and tornado watch 🌪️

Promises made, promises kept.

Threads post as seen from a mastodon account

Messing around with Bluesky post embedding codes

Per this post, I’m testing some ways to embed Bluesky posts into my Wordpress powered site here. As I find other ways, I’ll add them here.

Simple Blog Card using a shortcode and plugin: [simpleblogcard url="bsky.app/profile/k…"]

Bluesky.lol snippet creation using javascript:

Skyview.social snippet creation using iframes:

Hello COVID my old friend, I hoped we'd never meet again

Here we go again with the bullshit.
This time, my sense of smell is 90% gone. 😩

Paxlovid enroute and no real symptoms other than post-nasal drip from hell and sore back though, so hopefully this'll be over in a few days. 🤞🏾

Fifteen Years Of Wordpressing

Unfortunately my previous blogs are lost to the ether but they were all mostly powered by Wordpress. I might gather some of my backups and make some "backfill" posts and relive whatever moments I can find.

Until then, let’s celebrate this milestone and thank the contributors and community around this great open source project.



May you and yours enjoy all 12 herbs and spices during this season of joy.

Overnight crash

Dropping a note here to make sure my site is back up – Things got crash happy overnight with the database eating all the RAM for some reason. Bad garbage collection or a missed chronjob maybe. The joys of wordpress adminning. So as soon as I’m done with the day job (where I actually do DevOps/PMing believe it or not) I’ll be doing a post-mortem on this thing too.

😣 I just want my $#:+ to work seamlessly!

In the spirit of POSSE, I just spent 3 hours trying to get some backfeeds from silos like Instagram and Facebook going… I made it work before, but I can’t remember what I did with my last website that made it work.

It's a real head scratcher. I guess I'll need to ensure crossposting is turned on here at StarrWulfe HQ then I won't have to deal with this foolishness again.

If anyone has some experience with Brid.gy and how to do this effectively, please give me a shout. 🙇🏾‍♀️


Microtransit: what happens when you add ride hailing to regular city transit bus service.

Gwinnett County's Ride Gwinnett transit service microtransit van opens its doors for boarding passengers.

In parts of Gwinnett, there’s no waiting for a bus at a predetermined stop or route and the fare is just a flat $3 to go within the zone.

(BTW @gwinnettgov, any ETA there?)

…and it works like 🧈.

Can’t wait until we get it in our part of the county

Farewell Richard Roundtree

Richard Roundtree, AKA "John Shaft". RIParadise, 1942 - 2023
Two views of Richard Roundtree. On the left, at 78 years old, on the right, in his 20s during the height of his "Shaft" fame.


I really hope Chris doesn’t mind me borrowing literally 90% of his layout, formatting and general overall aesthetic from Boffo Socko when I’m ready to smooth out the edges of my site here.
They way it looks and how information is presented is just what you’d expect of a person who is rather efficient at capturing and categorizing information.


Suddenly a new ATL transit NIMBY group has appeared! 🫢


The whole reason the Beltline even exists is because it was meant to be a transit corridor. A multiuse trail was also part of the design, so both need to be constructed.

But also, since the land developers jumped into the fray and built their car-oriented buildings off the trail, OF COURSE they want to keep it this way.

I’m sick and tired of the false notion that transit BRINGS IN undesirable effects when the exact opposite has always been true. Let’s look at their concerns and I’ll chime in with my opinions on why it’s simply not true.

  • There will be a heat island effect due to the constrained space from having up to 40 feet of ROW taken up with tracks.

    That will consume almost all greenspace between the pedestrian trail and the edge of the Beltline corridor. Most existing trees and meadows will be removed to make room for the Streetcar. Less room for public art. Less room for hanging out. And a lot less room for nature.

    • False. The streetcar can be designed with this in mind and have grassy tracks and simple stop infrastructure. Even Houston's MetroRail tracks cross a fountain and have a small footprint.  Clearly this group has never once visited an established streetcar/tram installation anywhere and seen what can be done with the ROW.
  • The Eastside Trail already is overcrowded with bikes, runners, walkers, scooters, dogs and all manner of mobility devices. It can be dangerous. We need more room for people — perhaps a wider path, or even separate lanes for “heels and wheels.”
    • Yes, because the current trail setup was always intended to be TEMPORARY since the transit part needed to be installed at a later date. The final configuration with tram tracks installed will allow for all that. It's done in several other countries and even San Francisco, Portland and San Diego all have sections of their LRT systems set up in similar ways. Obviously trams will be moving along at a slower pace while on the Beltway near trail users.
  • We question spending the largest portion of Atlanta’s transit investment over the next three decades on a light-rail track that circles destinations rather than takes people to them. The Beltline already serves thousands of people daily as a last-mile, human-powered corridor. There’s little evidence of demand for long trips via rail along that corridor.
    • The corridor is intended to be a light rail loop with branches that go out into places like Emory, East Atlanta, Westside Reservoir Park and Campbellton Road. Of course, some of these have been turned into BRT but the good thing about that is it can be converted at a later date to light rail. Just ask Seattle. As for demand for travel-- it hasn't been built yet, but just based on car usage alone, getting from one side of midtown to the other is a big want. Getting from the West End to East Atlanta is a big deal. There will be interfaces with MARTA subway on all sides of the Beltway and we really need a "crosstown" transfer solution that doesn't involve going through 5 Points every time. Also, points along the loop can BECOME the destination, just ask Chicago, Tokyo, Berlin, and every other city with a looping railway around their CBD.
  • Will it harm Beltline businesses?
    • Are you serious? The businesses weren't even there 10 years ago; the overarching reason the developers got interested in building along the corridor in the first place is because of the TOD aspect of it-- the multi-use trail wasn't even a thing yet. So yeah, adding the rails will be what was intended in the first place and ADD TO THE ACCESSIBLILTY of the path! (my 78-year-old mom will not bike nor walk a long distance along the trail, but she'd definitely take the streetcar along the route in a hop-on-hop-off fashion.)
  • Is this really Atlanta's highest transit priority? Streetcar expansion will run through some of the city’s wealthiest and least diverse neighborhoods. In other parts of the city, residents rely heavily on transit as a necessity. They could benefit from better service.
    • ALL OF IT is the highest priority. The CBD (downtown/midtown) has suffered way too long from ineffective crosstown transit options. The LRT loop aspect of the beltline is supposed to change all that. Remember, these used to do the same thing for trains what needs to be done for people without cars-- get them from once part of the CBD to the other and also facilitate a termination for inbound LRTs from other locations.
      • Also fact-- MARTA heavy rail probably is too costly to build new lines off of at this point, but links to Cobb and Douglas counties could still be made via LRT and might seem even more palatable if they ran into and terminated on the Beltline. Building the infrastructure needed for this option is key.
  • Are we betting on a technology of the past? Rail on the Beltline was first proposed in 1999. That was before the invention of Facebook or the iPhone. It was well before ridesharing services, e-bikes, scooter rentals, autonomous vehicles and other innovations disrupted how we get around urban areas.
    • I can't believe we're conflating modern streetcars with social media evolution. YES, there is still a need for accessing the area physically first. I can't pedal all the way to the Beltline from Gwinnett. But I can take MARTA rail to Inman Park from Indian Creek (now that we have a bus that serves that station from here). I don't have a bike and even if I did, I'm not carrying it on the bus/train every time. If I want to visit my uncle in Ormewood/Grant Park I have to catch a bus or two. Once the trail opens on the south end, I guess I could walk, but it's better if there was an option that was a little faster. Streetcar to the rescue!
      • And hey, who's to say that there wouldn't be a branch off this part that would serve the Flat Shoals corridor and head out to Lithonia-- that has been proposed for decades.
  • The entire 22-mile loop is expected to be completed around 35 years from now at a cost of $2.5 billion. That’s probably optimistic. Where's the money gonna come from?
    • We should just give up because there's no funding for the whole thing right now? That's unfortunate but also how literally everything in this country gets built. We're still waiting for the rest of MARTA to get built from the original 1974 plan. Should we just have threw that one in the trash too? You already know once something is built and used, it rapidly becomes integral, and funding will come. A full Beltline streetcar loop will be something that is rare in this nation and will attract even more development and the money that comes with it. Ask Denver about their similar bet on interurban rail and even our original bet on MARTA --that we only got after Seattle passed on the federal funding. SOME OTHER CITY will get whatever we had coming to us and we'll continue to live in a car-infested hellscape outside of The Beltline.
And that's the point I want to make-- This is all about the few people who call the first small 5 mile stage of the Beltline home, and not taking anything into account from the many more thousands of people who live around and outside the already completed trail. I know most of the Westside Beltline communities want as much transit that will fit into the ROW because their areas have been neglected far too long. (I also advocated that area along with the Southside Beltline be the first to get redeveloped but of course the area closest to the already activated Virginia Highlands/Poncey Highlands/Cabbagetown section got it first.)


job done

Well that does it for me tonight. I got a lot done on this here ol' site.

I’ll continue to kick the tires and fill in the gaps but so far so good.

  • Indieweb stuff seems to be working as seen at micro.blog and tested with some good friends. Will run thru the tests tomorrow to make sure.
  • ActivityPub stuff is 70% there; @starrwulfe@starrwulfe.xyz is using plugin and @starrwulfe.xyz@starrwulfe.xyz is using Bridgy Fed. They're both the same feed and I pray I didn't just tear a hole in the fabric of space/time trying this.
  • This may not be the final theme, but it's a good skeleton to use while I'm in the alpha/beta stage here; ultimately, I want to mimic my terminal window as that's what I use everyday while working. It'll be minimal but awesome.
--Good night from ATL|GA|USA 😴

Testing again.

Hope the activitypub folks cans see this now….

We were on a different set of tracks leading nowhere and everywhere at once.